Beckmann from Dortmund:
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* Scania coach 61 seats Vbpvr8M2 * Irizar New Century * 3 axle 6x2 * 3rd axle steerable * Length: 13700 mm * Height: 3700 mm * Width: 2550 mm * Wheelbase: 5965mm/ 1500mm * Unladen ......
* Renault Premium 460.26 DXI * 11-460 EEV * High-roof cab 2 beds * Side spoiler + roof spoiler * Cool box * Parking height low 1,000 mm high 1,200 mm * Driving height 1,050 mm * Un......
* Renault Midlum 12.220 L freezer * Kress box body with side door * Folding partition wall and rear doors * Thermo King MD 300 refrigeration unit MBB 1000 kg tail lift refrigeratio......
* Renault Midlum 12.240 DXI flatbed * Open flatbed * cab 1 berth * Sun visor * Auxiliary heating, air conditioning * Leaf/air suspension raise+ lower * AHK Rockinger * Payload 6,05......
- MB 814 D, freezer box, dimensions L/W/H x mm, wall thickness 60 mm, Thermo King V 500 MAX, ABS, 3 seater, payload kg, tyres 225/75R16C, tread condition60% - Bse7Izajg......
* MAN TGA 26.430 D 20 6x2-2 BL Rope dispenser * High-roof cab 1 berth * Sun visor Roof spoiler Vxwxtjo * Leaf air-sprung lift axle * Wheelbase: 4800 mm * AHK ASR Low noise * 20 ton......
* Renault 12.220 L Midlum freezer * Carrier Supra 550 diesel/electricity * Junghans box body * Load compartment dimensions L/W/H 7,200x2,435x2,400mm * Wall thickness 60 mm Rear doo......
* Renault 26.370 dci platform truck * Total weight 26,000 kg Biobmp0V82 * Crane console behind the cab * Auxiliary drive for crane available * Wheelbase: 5500 mm * ZF 16-speed manu......
* Renault Midlum 15.08 B * Tarpaulin bows * Unladen weight 4,800 kg * Payload 2,690 kg * Tail lift * Roof spoiler Biobmzl2S3 * Analog speedometer......
* MB 1228 open flatbed * Local transport cab * Sun visor * 6-speed split gearbox * Differential lock * Leaf spring suspension * Rockinger trailer hitch * Wheelbase 4160 mm * Disc b......
* MAN 18.284 K-house * 8-speed gearbox * Air suspension * Wheelbase 6,200mm * Body manufacturer Chereau * Body dimensions inside L/W/H 9,030x2,470x2,500 * Roller shutter door * Car......
Peugeot Boxer three-seater tipper 3 seater Toolbox Henschel tipper body 3000mm x 2040 x 800 mm TRAILER HITCH Attention Attention Bowf2Yfdu Tipper box heavily rusted......
Engine defective over-revved Ce7Rf9R77X Iveco 260 E 400 6x2 Only 227,000 kilometers run......
MAN 12.240 BL open flatbed Unladen weight : 5760 kg Total weight: 11.990 Payload: 6230 kg 9-speed manual gearbox Eaton Dk22Pl Optional extras: End cross member, Aerial car phone, ......
- Scania coach 61 seats - Irizar New Century - 3 axle 6x2 - 3 axle steerable - length 1370 mm - height 3700 mm - width 2550 mm - Wheelbase: 5965mm/1500mm - Unladen weight: 16200 kg......
* Renault DXI 190.08 furniture box Euro 4 * Roof spoiler Bkvrfexpl0W * L-house without couch * ABS * Differential lock * 6 gear * Engine brake * Radio with sat nav * Tires 205/75 R......
* MAN TGL 8.180 BL folding LBW Bkvrf9Rzgc9 * K-house * LBW Palfinger type 100 1 to * ABS * Tires 225/75R17,5 * Profile condition see photos * Platform dimensions L/W/H 6,200x 2,48......
* Renault Premium 460.26 DXI * 11-460 EEV Jumbo BDF 7, 45 * High-roof cab 2 beds * Side spoiler + roof spoiler * Cool box * Parking height low 1,000 mm high 1,200 mm * Driving heig......
* Original genuine all-wheel drive * Machine has only run 222,360 kilometers * MAN TGS 18.440 all-wheel drive tractor unit * 4x4 leaf-sprung * Euro 6 * Unladen weight 8205 kg * Ti......
We are selling a JLG 450 aj articulated work platform C0Bcb3Kzhg......